For an example of what today's prompt asks of you, look at today's blog poem, "Bird Nests Used to Look More Like Fortresses," by Martin Ott, originally published in Press 53, Issue 139.
In his poem, Ott goes back and forth between his family--and his worries for and about them--and information about bird nests, gradually bringing the two two topics together as one. It is quite clever and it works very well in his poem.
See if you can do something similar with what you create today. I used this as a prompt in a group I am in, and we had back and forth between a daughter and mother with the city of Los Angeles, gender norms within three generations, and learning Spanish and teaching English with worries about upcoming immigration policies.
Other ways to play with this include going back and forth in time and/or place, very realistic and the surreal, daydreams and nightmares, and seasons.
Have fun, and I hope you create something wonderful!
