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Writer's picturemarychristinedelea

Obey the Aubade: Creative Prompt

I have been very interested in aubades lately--both reading and writing them. I think what is drawing me to them is all of the possibilities for me as a poet, and all of the interesting things I see others doing in their aubades.

Traditionally, an aubade is a love poem taking place at dawn; even more traditionally, those lovers are saying good-bye . The speaker may be happy at having had the night together, sad that morning has come and they must part, or both. The poems are generally spoken to the speaker's love. Non-traditionally, but still an aubade, are poems being spoken by the speaker in the morning on some aspect of love.

Aubades have no set form, which appeals to me.

Today's blog poem is a wonderful aubade. I admit to having a weakness for aubades in which the title is aubade and some other words, as in "Aubade with Ravens" (today's blog poem, and one of my favorites).

A few more of my favorite aubades:

Aubade by Philip Larkin

The first line is impossible to resist!

Aubade Beginning in Handcuffs by torrid a. greathouse

The title immediately gets your interest!

Aubade to Langston by Rachel Eliza Griffiths

The morning images and details!

Ghosting Aubade by Amie Whittemore

Oh, that ending!

You have probably already guessed, but this week's prompt is for you to write an aubade. Be as traditional or as non-traditional as you like. Use whatever form you like. Read today's blog poem and the four listed above for inspiration.

(Non-poetry writers: write a prose piece that takes place entirely in the morning. Visual artists: create a piece that suggests the sunrise without being blatant.)

Have fun! No pressure! It is a first draft!

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